
移民律師 & 會計師事務所 網址: www.mylawllc.com E-mail: attorney@mylawllc.com 電話: 1-(630) 903-9625




過去以來美國政府通常只要求對刑事罪犯的遞解出境裁決進行快速執法, 但現在,即使你申請簽證延期失敗,也會讓你進入同樣的快速遞解出境程序




Accrual of unlawful presence for F, J, M visa

In the past, foreign students and exchange visitors (F and J nonimmigrants, respectively) who were admitted for, or present in the United States in, duration of status (D/S) started accruing unlawful presence on the day after USCIS formally found a nonimmigrant status violation while adjudicating a request for another immigration benefit or on the day after an immigration judge ordered the applicant excluded, deported, or removed (whether or not the decision is appealed), whichever came first.

USCIS is now changing its policy on how to calculate unlawful presence for F-1, J-1, and M-1 nonimmigrants, and their dependents (F-2, J-2, and M-2). This new policy on the accrual of unlawful presence with respect to F, J and M nonimmigrants will take effect on August 9, 2018. The policy for determining unlawful presence for aliens present in the United States who are not in F, J, or M nonimmigrant status remains unchanged.