持非移民簽証,例如: 學生簽証 ( F1 )、觀光簽証 ( B2 ) 等, 入美時都必需填寫小白卡 ( I-94 ), 至於持 B2 簽証的人,在小白卡上會被註記何時這個 Visa 會到期 ( Expire).
一般來說,自1997年 4 月 1 日後,若逾期居留超過180天,但少於1 年,接著自行離美者,將不得入美 3 年. 但若不是自行離美,而是有被移民局通知,並裁定驅逐出境者,則有可能不得入美 10 年.
至於若逾期居留超過1 年者,則不得入美10 年.
但你若逾期居留,可是你的配偶或父母是美國公民或有綠卡者,你可以試著申請 Waiver, 也就是提出証明給移民局,你不在美國對你的配偶或父母會造成極大非常重大的傷害 ( Extreme Hardship ). 需要文件証明為何你人不在美國會有這麼大的影響. 但要記住這個凖則是 “造成極大非常重大的傷害 ( Extreme Hardship )”,而不是造成極大不便.
This blog is intended for general information purposes only and is not legal advice. Nor does this website create an attorney-client relationship between the reader and an attorney at My Law, LLC. Readers are responsible for obtaining such advice from their own legal counsel. No client or reader should act or refrain from acting on the basis of any information contained in this website without seeking appropriate legal or other professional advice on the individual circumstances and its particular facts.
(作者為美國律師及會計師,執業範圍包括美國移民、美國稅法等。版權為 My Law, LLC 所有,網址: http://www.mylawllc.com/ , 禁止未經同意而擅自更改或轉載)
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/22/2010 02:12:38]You can apply for replacement for your lost I-94 with USCIS. You must provide proof of the place, time, and manner of entry with your application for replacement. I would advise speaking with an attorney about your marriage based green card case
請問如逾期居留超過1年 2007年回台 現在免簽能再入境美國嗎?
[版主回覆10/08/2012 12:41:45]An overstay of over 1 year results in a 10 year bar. If you apply for the visa waiver program (VWP), you should be denied. Even if you are mistakenly approved for the VWP, you will be sent back to Taiwan by Customs & Border Protection at the airport.
感謝您的回覆 所以只要10年就ok? 那這之前能去關島或帛琉嗎? 謝謝
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/13/2012 04:03:58]The bar includes US territories. Guam is a US territory. Palau is not a US territory.