與公民結婚,你的身份是屬於 “緊急立即處理”類 ,講明了,意思就是你是一位貴賓,美國政府儘量不讓你等太久。當然,你還是得等一些 Paper work 的時間,但並不需要排隊等配額,這就可以省去了好幾年的歲月。
但是,與美國公民結婚只有兩年內的人,所拿到的綠卡是 “條件式綠卡” , 意思就是非正式綠卡。所以,一定要切記,在兩年內,更正確的說法是,在你拿到臨時綠卡快滿二年的90天前,一定要遞出申請,証明你的結婚是 “真結婚” (Bona Fide Marriage), 而不是 “假結婚” (shame / fraudulent marriage). 如此一來,你才能拿到真正的永久綠卡。要不然,就會面臨被驅逐出境的風險。
但這永久綠卡也是要每十年更新一次,並且,要記得我上一篇說的,綠卡是有可能被取消的,最好是在拿到結婚綠卡三年後 (包括了臨時綠卡的二年),趕快申請入籍,通過考試後,就成為美國公民,那就省去了很多不必要的麻煩。
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This blog is intended for general information purposes only and is not legal advice. Nor does this website create an attorney-client relationship between the reader and an attorney at My Law, LLC. Readers are responsible for obtaining such advice from their own legal counsel. No client or reader should act or refrain from acting on the basis of any information contained in this website without seeking appropriate legal or other professional advice on the individual circumstances and its particular facts.
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/06/2009 08:31:31]若你的先生在台灣不間斷居住滿六個月,則你先生可在台提出申請,如果沒有,則需在美提出申請. 若在美提出申請,則你可順便提出 K-3 申請而入美
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/07/2009 09:27:05]Your husband does not qualify for direct consular filing in Taiwan. He will need to file the petition in the US.
Our firm can prepare your green card petition and advise you through the immigration process. Our fee is reasonable and we can send you a breakdown of the government fees and attorney fees if you send us an email at MYLAWLLC@gmail.com
律師你們好, 想請教你們一個問題, 我住台灣, 我於今年年底或明年打算跟我男友結婚(他是美國公民), 但他之前有過一段婚姻, 於去年就結束了, 我知道他有幫他前任的太太辦裡綠卡, 而於今年2月左右離婚的程序才會完全完成 (法院確認離婚的手續)
回覆刪除想請問, 他上一段婚姻會不會造成之後我們結婚, 他在幫我申請綠卡時造成困難 (因為他有過一段幫異國太太申請綠卡但離婚的記錄)
要等我男友離婚多久, 我们再辦理結婚會比較好 ??
移民局會特別刁難我們嗎?? 聽朋友說現在就算真的結婚了, 要申請來美國似忽很難, 這讓我非常灰心
[版主回覆01/29/2010 01:27:19]Since your boyfriend did not obtain his green card through marriage, there is no specific time that you need to wait after your boyfriend's divorce. Your application may have more scrutiny so make sure you have sufficient supporting documentation.
Our law firm provides family based immigration services.
回覆刪除有好多問題想要請教您, 希望您不吝嗇賜教...
1.我未婚夫是台美雙國籍, 我們打算年底回美國登記結婚, 但是目前我們都在台灣工作, 所以這樣的情形下, 我未婚夫可以直接在AIT幫我申請K-1簽證嗎?
2. 又, 我們登記結婚後因為工作的關係,並不打算馬上申請綠卡, 如果我持K-1簽證入境, 結婚後沒有轉換身份,出境時會遇到什麼問題嗎?
3.在沒有轉換身份的情形下, 將來我如果要回美國探我婆婆, 我該拿什麼簽證再入境?
4. 如果我們在婚後多年才開始申請綠卡, 是否可以縮短取得永久綠卡或公民權的時間?
真不好意思, 批哩啪拉的問了一堆問題, 實在是因為對美國的法規不了解, 希望您不要介意. 也感謝您抽空回答我的問題, 謝謝...
[版主回覆06/10/2010 06:32:05]Due to the number of questions you have, I would recommend our fee based consultation. Please email us at MYLAWLLC@gmail.com
Please refer to our consultation policy at http://www.mylawllc.com/Disclaimer.html
律師, 不好意思, 再請教一下, 在我認識我未婚夫之前, 我有參加過綠卡抽籤(應該是抽2011的), 這樣會影響我申請文件嗎?
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/10/2010 06:40:42]Any prior applications for the green card lottery should not affect your marriage based green card application.
回覆刪除我現在的未婚夫跟我都在美國,我有綠卡,但他只是拿了五年的國際學生visa,他也不能聲請working visa, 因為他不是從四年制的大學畢業的, 他如果跟我結婚的話, 可以拿得到綠卡嗎? 大概要等多久? 謝謝您.
[版主回覆06/29/2010 04:42:57]Based on the current information, the spouse of a green card holder may need to wait about 2 years before they receive their green card. The wait time has decreased recently. Just months ago, the wait time was 3 or 4 years. During the wait time, he must have a valid nonimmigrant visa if he wishes to remain in the US.
Please send us an email at MYLAWLLC@gmail.com if you have additional questions or if you would like us to determine his eligibility for other visas.
律師 您好,
回覆刪除請問 如果我與我男友(美國公民)記畫於今年11月左右在美國登記結婚, 而我的美國VISA將會於2011年五月28到期, 請問我還需要先在台灣 renew 我的美國簽證嗎 ?? 還是等我在美國辦理結婚登記申請綠卡的時候就會以等待綠卡的身分居留呢 ?? 就算我的美簽以過期了......
請問我需要從台灣準備什麼文件以申請綠卡的手續呢 ?? 謝謝您的回答 ^^
[版主回覆08/07/2010 04:32:33]Hello. Our law firm does not answer questions about how to file cases. Our free consultation is offered to determine whether our law firm can help you obtain the immigration benefit you seek. Please see our consultation policy at http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/my-lawllc/profile and http://mylawllc.com/Disclaimer.html.
律師您好, 請問一下...
回覆刪除我是跟美國公民結婚, 也在台灣 AIT 辦理 immigrant visa, 可是他之前回覆我說可以 issue 我 visa,
但又說美國在 verify 我的名字, 已經處理很長一段時間了, 還沒有回應, AIT 也說不知道要等多久,
請問我有什麼辦法可以加速他們的作業, 趕快拿到 immigrant visa 嗎?
因為已經跟老公分開很久, 真的很希望可以趕快拿到去美國找他,
或者我可以拿觀光簽證 B1/B2 進入美國呢?! 會被拒絕進入或影響我 immigrant visa 的處理嗎!?
[版主回覆08/30/2010 06:49:58]Unfortunately, there is no way to expedite your name check. You can try to apply for B1/B2 but you will likely be denied since you have an immigrant visa petition pending.
So, if there is no any way to speed up my name check on immigrant visa, I can only wait here in Taiwan? Is there any possibility I can enter USA to visit my husband lately?! I really wanna visit him soon. Thank you so much.
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/02/2010 05:09:39]Please see our prior response. You can try to apply for B1/B2 but you will likely be denied since you have an immigrant visa petition pending.
There is a presumption that all B-2 applicants have immigrant intent. To overcome this presumption, you must prove that you have non-immigrant intent and will return to your home country. Immigration officers are typically reluctant to grant B-2 visas if there is a pending immigrant visa petition. Since you really want to visit your husband, you can try to apply for a B-2 visa.
The above is general information and does not create an attorney client relationship.
回覆刪除想跟你確定一下的永久綠卡是去年1月份拿到的, 在永久綠卡之前,我持有有條件綠卡兩年. 結婚綠卡須在結婚三年即可申請公民, 那是從持有有條件綠卡算起呢? 還是在轉換成永久綠卡算起呢?
[版主回覆10/16/2010 00:24:39]Please refer to our related article at:
回覆刪除我和女友目前在台灣工作 計畫近期結婚 未來想到美國發展
女友是台灣/美國雙重國籍 但自小學以後全家遷回台灣居住 沒有再回去長住過
也沒有美國報稅紀錄 只有親戚住在那邊
這樣如果結婚 能否為我提出I-130的申請?
而I-864中必須證明petitioner是 US Domicile這項要求該怎麼辦呢?
[版主回覆10/24/2010 02:02:38]Hello, our immigration law firm does not answer questions on how to complete immigration forms. We offer family based immigration services which include preparing and filing the immigration forms necessary to obtain your green card.
1 . 因觀光簽證2011年10月8號到期,若在2011年9月底寄出文件申請美國結婚綠卡時,是否得先出境美國?還是可辦理B2觀光簽證延期?或以其他合法方式延期居留於美國?
謝謝您 打擾了
[版主回覆09/17/2011 00:25:09]Hello. Our law firm offers marriage based green card services. If you would like a fee based consultation, please contact us at mylawllc@gmail.com.
Hello 您好,
[版主回覆09/10/2012 10:13:49]Thank for your general inquiry. A US green card holder can apply for a green card for their spouse but it takes over 2 years to complete the process. The spouse of a green card holder has lower priority than a spouse of a US citizen.. If your boyfriend is eligible to apply for U.S. citizenship, the process may be faster. This type of pending application does not give you a legal right to stay in the U.S. If you plan to remain in the U.S. while waiting for the completion of the green card process, you will need valid status such as F-1 student or H-1B temporary worker.
請問我剛(9/13)結婚,但是H1B 上星期剛到期(9/15),還沒有遞交申請綠卡,這樣會黑掉嗎?
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/20/2012 14:12:04]If you married a U.S. citizen, you can submit your green card application when you are "out of status". You should submit your green card application soon. Our law firm provides green card application service for a reasonable legal fee. Once we receive the information and documents from our clients, we can generally prepare the case in 2-3 days.
葉律師您好,我目前身份是H1B,正準備申請結婚綠卡,請問在綠卡申請文件中順便申請I765(EAD)會影響我H1B的狀態嗎? 申請結婚綠卡跟EAD,我目前的公司會被USCIS通知嗎? 謝謝!
回覆刪除她人現在在台灣, 不知到到底是等結婚後直接幫她申請綠卡會比較快可以來美, 還是幫她申請K簽證比較快
聽說K簽證要等六到九個月, 現在還是要這麼久嗎?
[版主回覆02/05/2013 03:37:43]K-1 fiance visa, K-3 visa, and spouse immigrant visa processing are all about 9 months. You can apply for immigrant visa processing after you are married. K-3 generally is not faster. If your spouse enters the US using visa waiver program after you marry, the green card process is generally 4 months. You must be careful of issues with immigrant intent.
回覆刪除我想請問 我的男友 今年年底才能夠申請美國公民 那這樣我們何時結婚 何時替我申請綠卡 是最節省時間跟金錢的呢?