J-1 簽証是屬非移民傾向的簽証,也就是你並沒有要遺棄你的家園來美,並且,J1 visa是希望你以此簽証來美後所學到的技術或經驗是可以讓你回國後可以好好地加以利用發揮.
J Visa 裡一共有十二項類別,其中有兩項是特別提供給還在就學的大學生或剛從大學畢業沒多久的社會新鮮人. 這兩項分別是:
1) Trainee or Intern
2) Summer Student in a Travel/Work Program
Internship 的要件是:
1) 目前還在美國以外的大學就讀的大學生, OR 2) 剛從大學畢業不到一年的社會新鮮人 3) 並且要証明英文有應對的能力
1) 已經從大學畢業並且至少有一年以上的相關工作經驗 (指在美以外),或者
2) 有五年的相關工作經驗
一般來說,Internship 是只限12個月,至於 Trainee 是18個月,但若是飯店、觀光、或農業方面的 Trainee 則只有12個月.
至於Summer Work/Travel ( SWT ) 只有4個月, 一般只限還在就學的大學生,但若你繼續念研究所也是可以申請.
Trainee 與 Internship 適用的工作領域有:
(i) Agriculture, forestry and fishing; (ii) arts and culture; (iii) aviation; (iv) construction and building trades; (v) education, social sciences, library science, counseling and social services; (vi) health related occupations; (vii) hospitality and tourism; (viii) information media and communications; (ix) management, business, commerce and finance; (x) public administration and law; and (xi) the sciences, engineering, architecture, mathematics, and industrial occupation.
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(作者為美國律師及會計師,執業範圍包括美國移民、美國稅法等, 版權為 My Law, LLC 所有網址: http://www.mylawllc.com/ , 禁止未經同意而擅自更改或轉載)Disclaimer: The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. This website is intended to provide general information only and is not intended to provide solutions to individual problems. Absolutely no Attorney- Client relationship is created by use of this website. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation which includes all of the facts and circumstances of your specific case.
My Law, LLC 移民律師事務所專門辦理美國綠卡移民及美國各類簽証的相關法律事務。因美國移民法是屬於聯邦法,所以,我們可以服務的客戶遍及美國各 50 個州以及美國海外的各個地方!
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