對大部份人而言,H1B 的確是很好的來美工作的非移民簽証,持此簽証,你可來美三年,也可再延三年,就是總共六年的時間. 若你之前曾經申請且使用過 H-1B 簽証,但你已離開美國滿一年以上,則你有資格再享有另六年期的 H1-B. 且若符合規定,也可享有再延長的可能.
根據你的學經歷及來美的工作內容與性質,來美工作的簽証除了H1B visa以外,也有其他簽証可考慮,如 J-1, O-1, P, L, E, H-2B, H-3 等等的簽証.
My Law, LLC美國移民律師事務所: http://www.mylawllc.com/
E-Mail: attorney@mylawllc.com
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但若要長久居住在美國, 似乎必須申請綠卡. 今年已拿到H1B, 那何時該申請綠卡呢?
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/11/2009 05:17:32]You should explore your options as soon as possible since some may take several years. If you email us your resume, we can provide an evaluation. Also, do you have any relatives that are US citizens?
May I send the OPT and H1b application at the same time ? cuz I'm worry about the gap if my OPT was due but the H1b is still processing..
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/14/2009 01:09:45]OPT can be filed up to 90 days prior to graduation or 60 days after graduation. As long as you are within the allowable filing period for OPT, you can apply for both OPT and H-1B at the same time. OPT applications generally take about 60-90 days to process. The H-1B cap for 2010 has not been reached yet so you can still apply.