此外,僑居在美國海外的美國公民或持美國綠卡者,還享有一些優惠,其中一項譬如在美國以外的如薪資收入等,能享有美金 $91,400 免稅額 (此數據每年有調整),此外,若不採用這些優惠項目,那在適用範圍內繳給美國政府以外的所得稅,可拿來當美國的抵稅額.
My Law, LLC美國移民律師事務所: http://www.mylawllc.com/
E-Mail: attorney@mylawllc.com
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If your case falls under any of the categories below, please contact us for a fee based consultation.
1. Your case has already been handled by another attorney but you have questions about your case.
2. You intend to or have prepared your case by yourself and have questions about completing your case.
3. You have a case that requires a considerable amount of legal analysis.
你好, 我先生是美國公民, 他於2004年回台工作, 我們2007年結婚 目前育有一子一女, 也在出生時都入美國籍, 明年有可能我們全家都會搬回美國, 勢必我要辦理結婚簽證, 據我了解結婚簽證所需文件裡 需要美國公民(先生)過去三年的報稅資料, 但因這幾年來他的薪資所得都未達報稅門檻(年收入7萬5000美金???), 所以也都沒有向美國政府報稅, 這樣我們該如何準備資料辦理簽證呢?? 先謝謝你的回覆
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/18/2010 03:09:49]U.S. citizens must file a tax return if their income is above a certain level. The amount varies depending on filing status, age and the type of income you receive. For instance, if their income exceeded $3,650 for a married filing separately filer in 2009, they must file a tax return. They may not owe any taxes but they would still be required to file a tax return.
Since your husband is a U.S. citizen and you are a nonresident alien, generally his filing status should be married filing separately. You may also make an election to be treated as a resident and file a joint income tax return.
Our law firm offers tax return preparation services and family based immigration services.