
移民律師 & 會計師事務所 網址: www.mylawllc.com E-mail: attorney@mylawllc.com 電話: 1-(630) 903-9625


宗教簽証 R-1 Visa

美國對於從事宗教工作者,每年並無特別的名額數量限制,申請R-1 簽証一開始可享有30個月的入境許可,之後可有每次30 個月的延期,但有五年的上限.

申請 R-1 簽証者,必需証明至少有兩年的宗教會員資格,在五年的上限期滿後,若離開美國境內一年,仍可再重新申請新的另一個五年.

但若發現有違反規定如: 在申請上所陳述的與事實不符,即使被批凖的R-1也有可能因而被撤消.

My Law, LLC美國移民律師事務所: http://www.mylawllc.com/
E-Mail: attorney@mylawllc.com

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1 則留言:

  1. 你好, 我想請問一下, 若是未滿18歲的人要辦R1 visa,
    [版主回覆10/21/2010 02:27:30]I've listed the R-1 visa requirements below:

    -The applicant must be a member of a religious denomination having a bona fide nonprofit religious organization in the U.S.;

    -The religious denomination and its affiliate, if applicable, are either exempt from taxation or qualifies for tax-exempt status; and

    -The applicant has been a member of the denomination for two years immediately preceding applying for religious worker status. The applicant is planning to work as a minister of that denomination, or in a religious occupation or vocation for a bona fide, non-profit religious organization (or a tax-exempt affiliate of such an organization)

    There is no age requirement for the R-1 visa but you must generally be at least 16 years old to work in the U.S. Your U.S. prospective employer must file your petition on your behalf and provide  documentation to support your petition.


My Law, LLC 移民律師事務所專門辦理美國綠卡移民及美國各類簽証的相關法律事務。因美國移民法是屬於聯邦法,所以,我們可以服務的客戶遍及美國各 50 個州以及美國海外的各個地方!
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