後來隨著美國移民政策的改變,綠卡配偶若符合條件可以申請 V visa 而合法留美,雖然當初這個 V visa 解決了很多綠卡配偶的因擾,但對於不符合 V visa 要件者,仍有許多不便.
美國移民政策的改變繼V visa 之後,綠卡配偶的排期也慢慢減為四、五年,而目前最新排期已以飛速的進展降為兩年,且未來的趨勢可能會持續加速,這真的是一項為美國綠卡配偶及家庭考量的重大改變.
My Law, LLC 美國移民律師事務所: http://www.mylawllc.com/
E-Mail: attorney@mylawllc.com
Fax: 1-630-995-7221
FB 粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.com/Immigration.MyLawLLC
Immigration Attorney:My Law, LLC 移民律師事務所專門辦理美國綠卡移民及美國各類簽証的相關法律事務。因美國移民法是屬於聯邦法,所以,我們可以服務的客戶遍及美國各50個州以及美國海外的各個地方!
3。在我們結婚後等候美國身份期間,我可否取得social security number?因為我的職業屬於美國人手短缺類別,只要考過牌照試,便可找雇主申請合法居留身份。換個問法,綠卡持有人配偶可否申請SSN及報考美國的專業牌照試?
[版主回覆10/02/2012 07:58:11]US green card holders may apply for naturalization (assuming they meet all requirements) after they have their green card for 5 years. There is a special provision that they may be able to apply 90 days early so the earliest US citizenship application date is 5 years minus 90 days. If you marry, you can begin the green card application process as a spouse of a permanent resident but this does not give you legal status in the U.S. There is a wait of about 2 years for spouse of the green card holder to complete the green card process. If you want to remain in the US over the 2 years, you must have legal immigration status such as F-1 or H-1B. Starting the green card process as a spouse of a US permanent resident does not entitle you to a social security number or work authorization.