
移民律師 & 會計師事務所 網址: www.mylawllc.com E-mail: attorney@mylawllc.com 電話: 1-(630) 903-9625


Jon & Kate plus 8

A Hot TV Show : Jon & Kate plus 8

In the US , there is a popular show called Jon & Kate plus 8. It is a reality television show that follows Jon & Kate plus their 8 kids. They had twins and then sextuplets which is six kids at once.

Jon is part Korean so their kids look asian. Now their marriage has deteriorated to the point where they may divorce – and people including me, can’t stop watching.

Jon and Kate have made millions from the TV show but are they exploiting the kids?

Divorce will be terrible since neither parent alone can take care of 8 kids by themselves so they may split the kids. If you haven’t seen the show, you should watch Monday as there is some big announcement.

 My Law, LLC                                 
Immigration & Tax Law Firm
Phone: (630) 903-9625
1230 E. Diehl Rd. Suite 106
Naperville, IL 60563



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