
移民律師 & 會計師事務所 網址: www.mylawllc.com E-mail: attorney@mylawllc.com 電話: 1-(630) 903-9625


美國公民的fiancé(e)s或配偶 ( K Visa簽証)

美國公民的未婚妻()指的就是還沒結婚的 Couple , 那如何來美國呢?

簽証就是給美國公民的未婚妻() fiancé(e)s 所使用,但持 K1 簽証的人必須在入美 90 天內結婚,否則 K1 簽証就失效而必需離開美國,除非可以提出不可抗拒的理由.

申請 K1 Visa 的前提如下

1)      申請 K1 Visa 的前兩年內,兩位當事人有見過面 (subject to exceptions)

2)      真心誠意想要結婚

3)      90 天內一定要完婚

至於已與美國公民在海外結婚,當然也就不是未婚妻(),也就不適用 K 1 簽証,但已成為美國公民的配偶,在海外等待綠卡的同時,可能會不願意與居住工作在美國的公民配偶分開太久,這時就可以申請 K 3 Visa.

K3 簽証與 K 1 簽証的不同是,K3 簽証入美後,在等待綠卡期間,可以多次自由進出美國,且期限長達十年,而 K1 期限是 90 天,且只給單次入美.



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(作者為美國律師及會計師,執業範圍包括美國移民、美國稅法等。版權為 My Law, LLC 所有,網址: http://www.mylawllc.com/禁止未經同意而擅自更改或轉載)

6 則留言:

  1. Astraea8/15/2009

    [版主回覆08/18/2009 11:18:50]There is a possibility that US customs may deny your entry if they believe you have immigration intent while trying to enter the US on a B-2 visa.

  2. 我有一個問題想請教︰我是香港人,我今年六月旅美的時候已經與一美國公民結婚,並且在美逗留了六個月,現在我已經回香港,想在明年三月份再到美國轉換身份。請問,若丈夫已為找申請K3簽証,在未發出K3簽証之前我用B2簽証入境有問題嗎?我的B2簽証是十年有效期的。謝謝你!

    [版主回覆12/16/2010 08:38:46]Generally the immigrant petition processing time is about the same as the K-3 visa processing time. Since the processing time is about the same, there is no advantage to filing the K-3 visa.

    Another option is to adjust status. That means staying in the US and applying for your green card. The processing time is about 4-6 months.

    Our law firm offers marriage based visa services.

  3. 謝謝回覆,我還想知道申請K3簽証一般需時多久才會發出?

    [版主回覆12/16/2010 12:00:00]K-3 visa generally takes about 5 months.

    B-2 visa holders need to show their intention to return to their home country at the end of their visit to the US. If you are the beneficiary of an immigrant visa petition, you may have some difficulty convincing the immigration officer at the port of entry that you are not an intending immigrant.

  4. kittymao_chan2/15/2011

    請問申請K3簽證時, 是否會收到一串查看進度的號碼? 申請開始後多久才會收到? 謝謝
    [版主回覆02/16/2011 10:59:50]Please read:


  5. 喵喵喵7/15/2017

    我想請問一下,我進入美國是持F1 VISA,我男朋友是美國公民所以我們原本打算辦理結婚,因此我辦理休學想等結婚之後再復學,因為我男友的離婚程序未完成,所以我們無法辦理結婚造成我預期拘留於美,但是因父親身體不適我只好先回台灣,請問以我的狀況若我男友來台灣與我辦理結婚,那我申請結婚綠卡會有困難嗎?若他這期間正轉換工作待業中會影響我們辦理結婚綠卡的申請嗎?需要多久時間才能辦理完成?這期間我可以申請K3進出美國嗎?

    1. Hello, after the divorce you have a choice of 1) K-1 Fiance visa 2) Marriage and then filing an immigrant visa or 3) Marriage and filing a spousal visa. Generally, Fiance visa is the fastest, about 5-6 months. Marriage and filing the immigrant visa case takes about 9-10 months after you marry and file the case. K-3 is generally not used because it costs more and may not be much faster than immigrant visa.


My Law, LLC 移民律師事務所專門辦理美國綠卡移民及美國各類簽証的相關法律事務。因美國移民法是屬於聯邦法,所以,我們可以服務的客戶遍及美國各 50 個州以及美國海外的各個地方!
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